Thursday, 6 January 2011

Our reason for existence...

Do not be fooled, young pupil, for this is not a college for those who study what actually happened; no, we leave that to the guilds of historians.

Nor is it as the unlearned might think a college to study what did not happen. That is foolishness; any number of things did not happen. I did not punch you in the face when you walked in to this room, a table did not fall from a clear sky and kill you this morning, last week the city did not drown in fire and we all did not die.

Nor even, as the learned might believe, do we study what might have happened; no, we study something much more arcane - that which is not believed to have possibly happened.

To be honest, I'm not even sure I understand what that might mean. But this is a blog of fantasy history; not Earth's fantasy history so much (King Arthur and whatnot) but imaginary history. My suspicion is that it will primarily be a playground of ideas relating to Middle Earth and Warhammer World. But I can forsee a certain amount of forays into the Young Kingdoms, Glorantha, Harn, the Iron Kingdoms and other imaginary realms happening too.

Now, where did I put that essay on 'The Archaeology of Aragorn'...?

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